17-23 Chrysler: Minivan | 7-Button Smart Key, No KeySense | PN: 68217832AC | FCC: M3N-97395900 | SKU: RSK-CHY-PAC7 | Aftermarket

$95.00 $200.00

SKU: RSK-CHY-PAC7 KeylessFactory

Only 2 left!


Local Mobile Service: Your order will be at the vehicle's address location you provide at checkout. If any scheduling issues arise, we will reach out in advance.

Local Pickup: Ensure prompt service by bringing both the vehicle needing key service and all relevant items (keys/remotes) to our local residential location. If any scheduling issues arise, we will reach out in advance.

At the time of service, provide a valid photo ID and vehicle registration or title that matches your identification.

Condition: Brand New Aftermarket
FCC ID: M3N-97395900, M3N97395900
IC: 7812A97395900
Frequency: 434 MHz
Chip: 4A
Battery: CR2032
On-Board Programming: No
Reusable: Yes, after re-flashing service.
Buttons: Lock, Unlock, Panic, Remote Start, Left Slide Door, Right Slide Door, Back Power Gate Door
Aftermarket Emergency Key Included: EKB-CHY-PCF (same as: 68289894AB, 68289894 AB)
Replaces PN: 68217832AC, 68217832, 68217832AB
Manufacturer: Keyless Factory


NOTE: This key does not have Keysense function. Keysense is a technology that helps promote safer driving habits by limiting vehicle speed, muting speakers and preventing certain safety and security features from being used while driving. It usually used for teen drivers.

If you need Keysense functionality use OEM version RSK-ULK218 or RSK-PACIFICA-8689